I never knew that a group of 54 women could impact my life so deeply until I took a leap of faith and decided to sign a lease with them.
These 54 women have grown to become my dining room coffee chat partners, fellow movie-watching couch potatoes, homework tutors, sweet treat drivers, and most importantly, my role models. These women have pushed me to succeed, but have also been there for me when I am at my lowest and I simply need a shoulder to lean on. My 54 strong, courageous, optimistic, best friends and roommates have made each day within 476 Rose Street better than the last. 

To the four-girl room sisters that have let me sit on their floor countless times to chit-chat about everything under the sun. Ali, Alex, Avery E., and Ella D.- you four are my saving grace on a rainy day.
To my neighbors across the hall, two of my best friends, and the comic relief duo of the house… Ella M. and Meghan R., you both are truly more than I could have ever asked for. Knowing that you both are a door knock away truly has made me feel so safe, loved, and seen. 

Sarah and Mary- you are both sunshine in human form. Getting to know both of your hearts each and every day is something I truly am honored to get to experience.
To the room 204 girls, my sweet big diamond sister, Lexi, and cookout run partner Hadiyah, you both carry such poise, kindness, and grace within every situation you face. Both of you are such fierce and dedicated leaders within the ADPi and UK community. 

To the Instagram influencers and the most honest powerhouses to live within the four walls of this house, Brooklyn M., and Megan A., you two truly are women who are always true to yourselves, and never hesitate to stand up for those you love.
Alyssa, Becca, and Elena, the sweetest, most loving people, who are always down for a coffee chat or clothing advice- you three are a trio that brings light to every room you walk into!

Addison, Bailee, and Kendall- you three are the most down-to-earth three-person room in the Pi Palace, who brought such joy and happiness within the walls of the house! Everyone would agree that you all had one of the CUTEST rooms, but are also such humble leaders, and always the first to offer to help when needed! 

Lydia and Catherine- the most iconic best friend duo to take on the two-semester lease. There never was a dull moment or conversation with either of them! From TV watching in The Lion’s Den to girl-crushing over Broadway musicals, you two truly captivated each room you walked into, and brought light to many cloudy days!

With the greatest faith, and sweetest smiles, Anneli and Avery D. are the most generous and dedicated roommates a person could have. From taking classes with you all, to sitting down and having honest conversations, you two truly are women who will make a difference in the world with your gracious hearts, and welcoming personalities!

Hallie and Bobbie- a big little duo turned roommates within the house. You both have such a creative mind and carry the best conversations. The constant laughter shared and stories told made the house feel more like a home with every word spoken!
To the most fun-loving and spunky roommate dynamic: Brooklynn B., Edison, and Sydney G., you three truly were the energy needed within 476 Rose Street. You all always found a way to connect with everyone in the house, and your room at the end of the hall was always been a room full of friendship and excitement! 

Camryn, Kaley, and Madison C., the hardest working, and most studious girls I know! You three truly were dedicated to not only your future, but those around you, providing the best insight, and listening ears to those who needed it most!

The most hysterical and easy going humans to ever walk into the Pi Palace, Caroline B. and Jenna B., you both truly brought a personality to the house that never failed to fill a room with laughter. Your stories and love for your friends are things I admire greatly! 

Isabel W. and Ellie, the world traveling, girl-boss, best-friend duo truly filled the halls with happiness! One semester with you both under the same roof went too fast, but watching you both study aboard was inspiring to all!!
To the sweet freshmen who took a leap and moved in the second semester of the school year, Ryleigh and Cate, you two are the sweetest and most bubbly personalities. I loved every TV room talk and laugh shared in the dining room as we got to watch you grow throughout your final semester of your first year at UK! 

Eden and Reagan- You both brought the wisest advice and listening ears within our walls on Rose Street. Reagan being a previous Director of New Member Experience to our AC ’21 (the majority of our in-house girls) allowed for us to live with one of our greatest ADPi mentors, along with former president and fashionista Eden Slone! 

Katie and Morgan, the most driven, kind, and humble humans I know, getting to grow with you both in leadership has been such a great opportunity and will be something I will always cherish! You both hold such a light within and carry yourselves with such dedication for the success and wellness of those around you! To know you both is to truly adore you! 

From Macy B, Syd Law, and Peyton to Meaghan H and Macy F., you all are the most down to earth girls I have ever gotten to speak with and the privilege to know. To endless movie watching, to life updates, and all in-between, I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with you all, and can’t wait to cheer you all on throughout your final 2 years at UK! 

Maddie and McKaylee- You are both truly are the most uplifting humans I have ever gotten to meet. You are both humble, intelligent, and the greatest of friends one could ask for. They truly love the people around them, and handle situations with grace and strength.
To the girls that are the most hardest working, and passionate roommates I know, Madison B. and Maya truthfully are the most driven humans. I cannot wait for you both crush it as the most fabulous doctors you will be in the future. 

Rylee and Rachel you brought the most fun-loving energy and there was never a dull moment with you both. You two are always your authentic selves, and I enjoyed every bit of it! From your hot pink room, to your fabulous outfits, your friendship is one I admire most!

Bunk beds shared, and endless conversations had, I lastly have to put into words how much the two girls that made my room, room 202, change from an empty space at the end of the hall into my favorite part of the house. To the two roommates who grew with me, and who showed me what best friends truly are, Isabel Bankemper and Caroline Riggs, you both are my sunshine on a cloudy day. With every drive around Lexington, to Taylor Swift and Noah Kahn jam sessions, and everything in between, there is more than the word grateful I have for you both. Checking living with two of my greatest friends off my bucket list is something that was made easy when given then chance to share those moments with you! I cannot wait to tell my future daughters how I got to share my favorite memories with my two sweet roommates by my side! 

The goodness of a conversation, a partner to walk to class with, a Local Taco dinner date, and a bond made through taking a leap and signing a lease with 54 other women. These are just a few examples of the greatness that came from the love we all shared. These moments made taking down the paper diamond with my name on it and walking out of the light blue door of 476 Rose Street the hardest goodbye of my college career so far. The in-house moments are now over, but the memories will last a life time. Pi love has a new meaning now that I got to share it each day with my 54 best friends. 

Living in the house with all of my sisters was a perfect example of this sisterhood and the moments that build it. 

We live for each other, and for Alpha Delta Pi.