



Dear Potential New Members,

As I reflect on my three years as an ADPi at the University of Kentucky, I am immediately grateful for my freshman year self and the steps she took to get me to where I am today. This chapter has given me the intentional friendships I’ve always longed for, leadership skills that I will carry with me into my career, and memories to last a lifetime. I would truly do anything to go back in time and give the version of myself who chose Alpha Delta Pi the biggest hug, because she had no idea just how beautiful her life would soon become. 

As you embark upon your new journey that is Primary Recruitment, I first want to applaud you for taking the daunting leap that will ultimately change your college experience for the better. The Panhellenic community will support you throughout these next four formative years of your life. Secondly, I want to remind you to take in every second of this experience, be unapologetically yourself, and never forget to have fun! There is truly nothing else in the world like Sorority recruitment, and you will feel yourself wanting to go back in time to relive it all again. 

When I first stepped into the front door of Alpha Delta Pi, something inside me immediately clicked. I felt seen, valued, and like I had been put in that house for a reason. I will never forget the feeling of opening my bid card, reading the words “Alpha Delta Pi'' and feeling like the best years of my life were about to begin. Even as a freshman, I knew there was something special about this new home of mine, and boy was I right. Not only have these past three years been filled with laughs, new friendships, and hilarious memories, but they have also shaped me into a young woman that I am proud of. In my heart, I know that this chapter has wrapped its arms around and filled me with enough confidence and love to last a lifetime. When I walk across the graduation stage in a short year, I will know that ADPi was the best thing to ever happen to me and will be grateful for the support of my sisters along the way. 

With that being said, I want to congratulate you all on the journey that is still the unknown. While you may be nervous and hesitant, remember the good that is only a few steps away. I cannot wait to watch you all find your home away from home that will transform you into the woman of your dreams, just like ADPi has done for me. 

Good luck, and enjoy every second. I’ll see you at the blue door!

My warmest wishes,

Becca Borne

Vice President of Recruitment

Legacy Form & Recommendations


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