To my little and my big <3

Going into ADPi, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. No woman in my family had ever been involved in Greek life before, and I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I was scared but excited to see what my experience would be like. I had heard about bigs and littles before, but I didn’t really know what they were. Thankfully, that changed real quick. 


I met Grace Henry while eating the Big Breakfast for dinner at Saul Good. She paid for my meal, and I wasn’t even her pi pal that week. That was the first time I met her. I think that first impression describes Grace pretty well. She is kind and generous. After that, I started showing up in Grace’s room in the ADPi house and becoming more obsessed with her as time went on. We would go to church together and people watch on game days. I immediately felt so comfortable being completely myself around her, and that’s not a feeling I experience often.

When it came time to write down who I wanted to be my big diamond sister I very confidently wrote Grace Henry's name down. Little did I know, she was practically sending death threats to girls in her AC about taking me from her. So, sorry if my big threatened you. She’s a special one. But, I’m thankful I had someone fighting for me without even knowing it. This story does have a happy ending. I got Grace as my big, and I am so glad I did. 

Since then, we have only continued to grow closer. Grace has been one of my biggest role models in college. She’s been there for me through all the worst chem labs and always there to remind me that men are trash (most of the time). She’s someone I can talk to about anything. One night, we were sitting on her couch, and we just got into a deep conversation about our mental health. I had no idea that we struggled with some of the same things, and we were able to talk about our experiences together. She made me feel so seen and loved through that conversation. 

Not only is Grace someone I can get deep with. She is also someone that I can cry laughing with. Every mundane task is filled with joy when Grace Henry is present. I’m so serious. She just fills a room with radiant joy, and it’s so easy to be happy around her. Grace is also extremely intelligent. I didn’t realize I was getting a genius as a big diamond sister. She works her butt off and has a drive that inspires me. Overall, Grace Henry is the best big I could ever ask for, and I am endlessly thankful for her.

Last year, when it became time to start hanging out with AC20 girls with the intention of finding a little diamond sister, I honestly had low expectations. I figured that since I had already gotten blessed with the best big that there was no way I was going to find a little that I adored as well. Oh man, was I wrong. The first time I hungout with Alex Wesley, I was so nervous. I was scared she was going to think that I was weird or too goofy. We picked up Chick Fil-A and had a picnic at the arboretum. While there, we saw people running around dressed as animals, Sophia’s highschool German teacher, a man walking his cat, and a proposal. It was an eventful night, but we had the best time. I was able to be my goofy self around her, and I found out that she was actually just as weird as me. From that day on I knew I wanted her to be my little diamond sister.

Thank goodness we were on the same page, and I secured the bag and got Alex as my little. I had no idea how much she was going to change my life. We got close super quick and started hanging out everyday. Literally everyday. It was 2020, COVID was in full force and all classes were online, so we didn’t have a whole lot going on. Although it sucked not being able to do much, I’m thankful it gave me the time to be able to hangout with Alex as much as I did and become so close to her. 

I’ve never connected to someone like I connect to Alex. She is my best friend and I truly can’t imagine my life without her. She is extremely empathetic and feels for the people that she loves. She is the best comforter and gives the best hugs (that’s saying a lot because I don’t like to be touched). She is goofy and funny and weird, which is perfect because those are my favorite qualities. I somehow got a little that is such a role model in my life and inspires me so much. Even though she’s younger than me, she is so wise and gives the best advice. She points me back to the Lord in times of trouble and supports me fully. I truly don’t even know how to explain how special Alex Wesley is. She truly changed my life for the better, and I am so incredibly thankful. 

Like I said, going into ADPi, I had no idea what to expect. I definitely didn’t expect that I would meet two people, one older and one younger, that I know will be in my life forever. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m so glad I did. God must’ve known I needed these two weirdos in my life, and I thank Him everyday for giving me them. I could go on for days about what these two mean to me, but let’s be real, this is already long and you don’t want to read anymore. Also, I’m crying, (don’t worry happy tears because I love them so much) and it’s getting hard to see the screen, but we don’t have to talk about that.

This week I get a grandlittle. WHAT THE HECK. When did I get so old? I can’t wait for whoever she is to join the best family ever. She is so incredibly lucky to have Alex as her big diamond sister, and I hope she’s ready for Grace and I to be the obsessive grandparents. Sweet grandlittle, I love you already.