Entering UK as an out of state student with no connection to anyone at the school was one of the biggest leaps of faith I’ve ever taken. All I wanted was a group of friends who I could rely on, be myself around, and have the best time with for the next four years and life beyond. I don’t know how I was lucky enough to find women who have all of the incredible qualities that I was looking for in a great friend and more. This post is dedicated to them and the friendship we share.

I vividly remember the moment during my freshman year when I was added to a group chat of ADPi’s I had been spending time with. I called my mom that night and was ELATED because I felt so loved and wanted by a group of girls who I truly enjoyed so much. I think the nine of us would agree that it was March 4th, 2021 as we screamed Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” into a karaoke mic that we realized we were more than just girls who spent time together. “Teenage Dream” was now the anthem of our group (shoutout to Katy). From that instant on, we felt inseparable. Every minor life update, problem, or random thought that popped into our heads had to be discussed and analyzed with the utmost importance. Being a new freshman during a pandemic, knowing zero people entering school, and leaving with the best friends I’ve ever made is a blessing I am forever grateful for.

Now imagine that energy of March 4th, multiply it by eight days, add one house, transport us all to 30A in May, and you end up with a recipe for magnificent chaos.

Girl’s trip. 

I had never been on a vacation without my family before this trip, so I was initially a little wary thinking about the nine of us under one roof for a week. I was worried there would be drama or disagreements, and my mind spiraled down this rabbit hole. I am so happy that I could not have been more wrong. Those days were some of the best days of my life. Now excuse me for a moment while I get sappy, but, let’s be honest, these girls deserve it. This trip showed me what a true friend is, the kind of friend I had been hoping and praying for. A friend who will jump in the ocean waves with me for hours and sing music that is purely instrumental. A friend who will have a screaming match with you on the floor about Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and end it with the best hug in the world. A friend who will record you playing volleyball so you can edit it into a video and live out your Top Gun dreams. A friend who will hold you as you sob on the rooftop and isn’t just waiting to let go.        

I know we will only keep growing with one another, and that growing pains are inevitable, but I pray we never forget those girls on the beach. That we remember them lovingly, and remember that friendship is so much more than just a word. In fact, it isn’t even a good enough word to describe us, we’re just us, and personally I think we’re extraordinary. 

To the friends who I will scream songs with as long as there is music playing, who believe in me and my dreams, and accept me even when I don’t accept myself. To these friends, I love you. I am so grateful for you. I can’t imagine my world without you. As we go through the next years of our lives as students, wherever we go and whatever we do, you always have me. As your sister and your friend. 

Cheers to HVG.