
I wanted a place that felt like home when I came to Lexington, the kind of home I feel when I am with my mom, my sister, or my childhood best friend. When I came down to the University of Kentucky, it was a big change for me. I grew up going to smaller schools with the same group of people my whole life, so when I came down to Lexington, I felt so small and insignificant in this big community. After a few hard and lonesome weeks I found myself opening a bid from Alpha Delta Pi. I was so excited, scared, and overwhelmed.

Since joining ADPi, not everything has been easy. I spent a lot of time thinking about if ADPi truly wanted me as much as I wanted them. Like anything in life, there are struggles and questions that I had. I thought, what if I don’t find my place here or what if I’m not suited for sorority life?

Now, looking back, I could not imagine my life any other way. I have been forever changed because of the women I have met in Alpha Delta Pi. They uplift me, inspire me, push me, love me and have already made me into a better woman in just the short time I’ve known them. To think that only a year ago I didn’t even know the names Jenna Rampenthal or Macy Davis, and now they, and many more women, are some of my biggest cheerleaders, is so crazy to me.

They are my home in Lexington; they are my “Why ADPi.” I don’t believe that a home has anything to do with a place. It is the people. ADPi is not a place, ADPi is the people, and ADPi is my home. I am so so honored to be a part of this amazing chapter and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Being an Alpha Delta Pi makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.