Each moment I think of what my college experience at UK has been so far and what it continues to be, Alpha Delta Pi is one of the things that comes to mind. There are countless reasons why I love ADPi, like I seriously could talk about this for hours. However, here are 10 reasons why this sorority is so special to me. 

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  1. During recruitment, I had this overwhelming feeling of wanting to go back to ADPi. I remember leaving the house after the Open House round with this huge, stupid smile on my face because of the instant connection I felt with these girls.

  2. ADPi has brought me girls who embrace my uncontrollable laughter and my inability to tell stories because of it. This sorority has brought me girls who plan spontaneous trips with me and actually follow through with it because why not. I seriously never know what the day holds when I am around them and it is such a fun time.

  3. Greek Sing Champs 2020. That’s it. 

  4. These girls are kind. This is such a simple, yet important, trait. A few weeks ago, Ashley Montgomery (AC17)  saw me struggling with my groceries and offered to help without any hesitation. It was such an effortless act, but these girls show kindness in so many ways.

  5. I can see these girls standing by me even when college is over and we all have families and jobs. These girls will be the people I turn to during my biggest and smallest moments. Our relationships will not end when we graduate; it will only continue as we flourish into the people we are supposed to become. 

  6. I am continuously amazed at how smart and motivated everyone is individually and as a chapter. My ADPi sisters know how to tackle problems with great maturity and confidence. I am actually obsessed with each of my sisters because they are all so freaking cool. 

  7. Even though ADPi is full of girl bosses who make me feel like I can accomplish anything, I have never been embarrassed to express doubts about anything in my life, whether that is school, relationships or just insecurities with my own self. This sorority has provided me a safe space to talk things out to people who genuinely care about me. 

  8. These girls are talented. Everyone should hear Serena Hutchens (AC19) sing because she has the voice of an angel. The passion my sisters have for the things they love to do goes above and beyond. It is incredible to see them shine in so many different ways. 

  9. If you have a strong urge to do something, these girls will push you. I honestly never would have applied for a position in the chapter if Rachel Whitehouse (AC19) had not given me a little nudge because she knew I wanted to get more involved.  

  10. Jillian Ickes (AC18 and my lovely big) said this to me during Sisterhood round and I still think about it to this day: Look for the girls that remind you of your best friend from home/someone who is the most important to you. These girls give me the feeling of being loved and the sense of belonging that I was craving to find in college as an out-of-state student. ADPi is one of the reasons I am who I am today and I am forever grateful for each and every one of my sisters.