Why ADPI? Because from the moment I walked through that light blue door, I felt seen. I felt valued for the person I already was. I didn’t feel pressured to become someone or something else. My recruiters skipped the typical “where are you from?” or “what’s your major?” questions that I was so used to answering during Open House. Instead, they dove deeper and when they asked me questions, it felt like they really wanted to know the answer.

Why ADPi? Because I could tell that every person I talked to during recruitment was so proud to call themself an ADPi. It didn’t matter what they were talking about, they were filled with pride and passion. And what’s not to be proud of? Beta Psi has accomplished so much, from Golden Lion Awards to highest overall chapter GPA for five years in a row.

Why ADPi? Because I found my people. In high school, I struggled to find “my group.” I put all my energy into school and sacrificed my social life. I felt like I was doing something wrong. But now I know that I was just meant to find my people in college. Through ADPi, I have found my best friends. I’ve found my bridesmaids and the people I’m proud to bring home to my parents.

Why ADPi? Because I am constantly encouraged to be the best version of myself. This chapter is filled with inspiring women who are self-motivated to succeed in everything they do. My sisters are the future doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, and businesswomen of the world. Seeing their accomplishments pushes me to work harder and be a better student. As I look at the chapter, I see so many role models that I am so fortunate to look up to.

Why ADPi? Because in less than a year since joining the chapter, I have already become a better person. I have grown and learned so much about myself. I have been presented endless opportunities like attending the Collegiate Leadership Summit, participating in other chapter’s philanthropy events, fundraising for the Ronald McDonald House, learning what it means to be a good leader by being on the officer team as Academic Affairs Specialist, and receiving the first Outstanding New Member of the Year Award. In less than a year, Alpha Delta Pi has transformed my life, and I am so excited to see the person I grow to be after four years in this chapter.