Being in ADPi has provided me with unconditional courage, love, support and gratefulness I did not know I could obtain myself. From my first conversation with an ADPi member during recruitment as a potential new member, and up until today, ADPi continues to amaze me in ways I never thought possible. The part of ADPi, however, that stuns me the most, is how well every single girl makes me feel so at home. I had no idea that a group of what was once complete strangers, would make me feel like their family.

As someone who was unfamiliar with Kentucky as a whole and what the college experience would be like, the women of Alpha Delta Pi painted a picture that I am proud to be part of. They are women who are respectable, kind, genuine, loyal, intelligent, and driven.

Each one of my sisters is unique in the best way, and it excites me every time I learn something new from each one of them. I instantly feel motivated and encouraged to be the best I can be when I am around them. These are the people I have been looking for my whole life. People that show me endless kindness and genuine care. I know these people are put in my life for a reason, and there is absolutely nothing that compares to the imprint ADPi has made on my heart. They make me feel like someone who is important to this world and sees value in me I had yet to discover myself.. Nothing about these people is ordinary. They truly make every day better than the last. They make a big school seem so personal, and 476 Rose Street feels like a home that has been waiting for me for years.

Alpha Delta Pi gives me a special comfort that nothing else ever will, and I credit my character and most of the blessings in my life to them.

At 20 years old, I have made a lot of decisions in my life, and I will never hesitate to say that the best one I have made is choosing Alpha Delta Pi. If I had to go back, I would still choose this sisterhood every single time.