It’s pretty easy for me to understand why ADPi has become my home away from home. From the first day I walked through the doors of Beta Psi, the conversations and relationships I was able to build made me feel so loved. When I’m in ADPi, I never feel like I am not enough. I can come to any sister at any time with whatever issue I’m facing, and I know they will be willing to help me with advice or show me that everything is going to be okay.


In my years in ADPi, I have found the lifetime friends my heart was looking for, I’ve found the pledge class that lets me be goofy but also can listen to me vent for hours, I’ve found the best big that has turned into a second momma to me, always giving me advice and the biggest hugs. ADPi has filled a place in my heart that I didn’t even know I was missing. I’m thankful everyday for the relationships and love I’ve received from every single member. ADPi is forever, and I’m blessed to be a part of this sisterhood.