Imagine this: It’s sisterhood round of recruitment. A girl is wearing a strapless jumpsuit, heels, and her hair is down in ninety-eight degree heat. Alpha Delta Pi, one of her favorite houses, is up next. She is fully prepared to sprint to the ADPi house in order to make it to her round on time. On her way there: she falls, her strapless jumpsuit comes down, and she scraps up her right arm. Mortified, she walks up to the house ... hoping these girls will still like her even though her jumpsuit is crooked, sweat is pouring down her face, and scratches are all over her arm. As she walks up to the door, she is greeted by a girl with the kindest smile. Following that, she is told to relax, take her shoes off, and is even given a pony tail holder to put her hair up to cool down. In that moment, ​she knew it was going to be okay​; because these girls did not care about how she looked on the outside. They cared about who she was on the inside.

Well, that girl was me.


When people ask me why I chose ADPi and continue to, I like to tell them it is because of those ​“I am going to be okay” moments​.

These moments  consist of group hugs I get when I have a bad day, or those letters of encouragement left on my desk by my sisters on an exam day.

It is those late night Wii games, constant karaoke sessions, dance parties, ice cream dates, stalking famous celebrities (shoutout to David Dobrik), and that belly laugh my sisters bring me on a daily basis.

Most importantly though, it is those sweet moments I get when I look around a room full of my sisters and think to myself I have finally found my people.

College is hard. It is some of the most transformative years of your life. With these four years comes a lot of success but also a lot of doubt, failure, and heartbreak. It is important to surround yourself with people who support you in all aspects of life. People who not only cheer you on but who push you to be the best version of yourself.

I found those people at 476 Rose Street.

ADPi has taught me how to love myself and others unconditionally. It has brought me a sisterhood that will last a lifetime; a sisterhood that I am so proud to be a part of.

It really is hard for me to put into words how special ADPi is to me. I can only seem to give examples on how thankful I am that these women came into my life, and why I continue to choose ADPi on a daily basis.