A letter to my AC ‘20 gals, 

This past year has brought many lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Some lessons were learned the hard way while others seemed to be brought more into my life with open arms. I think it can be agreed upon that each of us feels this way to some degree. 

When life hits you with the unexpected, it is important to remember that giving up is not an option. To me, what makes a person strong is their ability to recognize and feel the disappointment, sadness, and fear that the unexpected brings, but to not let that darkness consume them. To instead take those feelings and turn them into light, use them for good, and see them as an opportunity for a new beginning. 

I have been fortunate enough to see a lot of this strength throughout my experiences this year in various organizations, my major, and most evidently, the people around me. Watching people turn what seems to be constant darkness into light has been something that has kept me going throughout a year of absolute uncertainty. It has brought me a lot of gratitude and has truly swelled my heart with pride.

One group of people that I have been especially proud of is my Alpha Class ’20 girls. 

I remember my heart breaking when I found out recruitment was going to be virtual last fall. Looking back, my sadness was not really for my sorority because I knew we would be able figure out the whole Zoom thing. My sadness, instead, was for the incoming freshman/PNMs who constantly seemed to be having everything they looked forward to stripped away from them. No prom, no senior spring break, no graduation, no in-person college orientation, and now no in-person primary recruitment. All celebrations they rightfully deserved but did not get because of something entirely out of their control. My heart hurt for them. I truly felt the disappointment that I’m sure they were all feeling.

When we got our incoming alpha class, I told myself that it was my mission to make sure each of them knew how loved they are. I wanted them to know the excitement of college, of ADPi, and of meeting new people. And although being in a sorority might look a lot different right now, I wanted them to know there is so much to look forward to and to not lose hope in it all. 

It’s funny. I really thought I was going to be the one to show them all of those things, but, to my surprise, they were the ones who showed me that. They have shown me hope.

The AC ’20 girls did not want us to throw a pity party for them. They did not expect us to go the extra mile. Instead, they have managed to approach each unexpected situation they have faced with positivity and excitement. No matter if it is a virtual coffee date or socially distanced big-little reveal, they have remained happy, engaged, and excited. 

Remaining positive this year is not something they were required to do, but they did so anyway and should be recognized for that. 

It is common knowledge that each person has experienced loss this year in some way, shape, or form. We have all missed out on various events in our lives, and everyone’s disappointments deserve to be seen and recognized.


Today, I am sending some love over to my AC ’20 girls:

When I think of strength, I think of you all.

From a fellow upperclassman, I am so proud of you all. THANK YOU for making the most out of this year and for being such incredible additions to our chapter. Each of you continue to be lights in a year of uncertainty - that in and of itself is why you deserve to be celebrated.