Growing up as a young girl in a generation that breeds competition, comparison, and never-ending toxicity, I never felt comfortable in my own skin. The individuals I surrounded myself with left me feeling uneasy with myself and the person I was. Coming to college though, I wanted a fresh start. I signed up for recruitment with the hope that the stereotypes of sororities and the stereotypical “sorority girl” would not resemble the toxicity I grew up with. I wanted to be a part of something that pushed me to be a more confident and complex individual. 

            Walking into houses during open house round, I never felt a connection. I started to feel as though the whole “process” wasn’t working for me. That was until the second day of recruitment when I walked through the bright blue door of the Pi Palace. From the moment I stepped into the house, I was met with open arms by the most genuine girls I had ever met. They were sweet, funny, and carried themselves with the confidence and poise I strived to have. I left the house eager to come back because I felt like the Pi Palace was already home for me. Again, round after round I met the most amazing and unique girls that reminded me nothing of the stereotypical “sorority girl”. They made me laugh, cry, and sparked such much excitement for what my college experience could look like if I was a part of their sisterhood. 

Fast forward to now, I couldn’t be happier with this sisterhood that I’m so lucky to be a part of. This sisterhood truly embodies everything I ever dreamed of and more. I’ve only been a part of this amazing sorority for a little more than a semester, but it feels as though I’ve known these young women my entire life. The continuous love, joy, and encouragement I am met with each and every time I see a sister is indescribable. I cherish every moment I have with each sister. From spending time with the best big I could ever ask for (I love you Caroline Bruser), to going to the top of the cornerstone parking garage and having a snowball fight in the early hours of a Thursday morning (shout out Selena Kassis and Lizzy Thomas), or going to an absolutely killer workout class with my future roomie (so much love for you Cameron Halpin), nothing compares to the pure enjoyment I get from these young women. Even more than the all-time highs with this sisterhood are the pick me ups these sisters give when I’m having my lows. From catching me up on chapter business I miss due to sports practices, to ordering Papa Johns with me at 2 in the morning, these young ladies never fail to amaze me with just how much they truly care. 

I could seriously go on forever about the special place that the ADPi women hold in my heart, but I'll leave it at this: to my lovely ladies of Alpha Delta Pi, thank you for showing me what true, genuine friendship looks like in a world where negativity seems to take over. Thank you for pushing me to be the best version of myself but also picking me up when I fall. And most of all, thank you for teaching me how to be the person I always strived to become growing up, and showing me what it looks like to truly love myself. 

Pi love, 

<> McKenna Dowell