I am a member of AC '91. I went through primary recruitment my freshman year at UK, mostly because I thought it would be a fun way to meet people. Even though I was from Louisville, I didn't know many older girls that were in sororities and no one in my family had been Greek, so I went in with no expectations and not even knowing if I would end up wanting to complete the rush process. But that all changed the first time I walked up the front steps, past the lion statues, through the blue door, into the beautiful Alpha Delta Pi house. I was HOME. The girls were all so nice, easy to talk to, funny and smart, and I thought, "I want to be part of this". I had no idea how my life would completely change for the better when I opened my bid card and saw ADPi. I was surrounded by women I admired, strived to emulate and who pushed me to be the very best me. To this day, my very best friends are ADPis, and I am so thankful for the sisterhood and friendship that I found and continue to have. Unless you have experienced it for yourself, it's very hard to put into words.

Fast forward 30 years... once my daughter Megan decided to go to UK, I really encouraged her to go through recruitment, because, being from Florida, she didn't know anyone on campus. As much as I secretly hoped she would find her home in ADPi (her lullabies were ADPi rush songs!), I wanted her experience to be HERS. Once she decided ADPi was where she belonged, I was a wreck! I was texting MY sisters and they were all just as nervous and excited as I was and they shared in my joy when Megan received her bid. It was a special and surreal moment. I had the opportunity to come and surprise Megan at the ADPi house- That day, as I walked up those same steps, past the same lion statues, through the same blue door, I felt the same rush of emotions and gratefulness and PRIDE that she recognized in ADPi that I did all those years ago.

- Melissa Rahiya Ariza AC ‘91

Growing up, I heard hundreds of stories from my mom about her college experience and all of the friendships she made through her sorority. I remember her leaving for her annual trip to visit her sisters and admiring their relationships. When I decided to commit to the University of Kentucky, I knew I wanted to go through primary recruitment for two reasons. One being that I was an out of state student that wanted to be a part of a group that would encourage, push, and better me. The other being that I wanted to experience the same love for a sisterhood that my mom felt for hers. Throughout my rush process, my mom was very supportive of my journey and wanted me to find the place where I belonged. During primary recruitment, 30 years after my mom rushed, I found that I connected deeply with Alpha Delta Pi, and opened my bid card in the fall of 2021. It was such a surreal experience. Since then, I've made friendships I could have only dreamed of. I have the most inspiring, driven, and caring girls in my corner. Girls who push me to be my best possible self. Finding my place 1,000 miles away from home is something I never thought I would be able to do, but now that I have, I couldn't possibly imagine my life without ADPI.

Being able to share this incredible sisterhood with my mom is the most indescribable feeling. She has always been my biggest role model, so knowing that I am seen with the same qualities and values that she upholds makes me feel so connected to her and proud to carry her legacy not only as a daughter, but as a sister. We have grown closer than ever. Being able to walk out of my bedroom in the house and see her composite right outside of my door always puts a smile on my face. Comparing our experiences, we both realize that the magic ADPi Beta Psi holds has not changed, but has endured and grown in the past 30 years.

-Megan Ariza AC '21