Dear AC21, 

Happy Initiation Week!! I’m so incredibly proud of each and every one of you. I’m so thankful I’ve gotten to spend the last ten weeks with you all. When I was elected Director of New Member Experience, I thought that meant that I would teach you all about ADPi history and help you find your way in this chapter that has been my home for the last three years. Little did I know, you all would be the ones teaching me. Going into your last few days of being an Alpha member, I wanted to tell you the incredible things I learned from you all in our short time together and encourage you to never let go. 

You’ve all taught me a new level of strength. Your class has experienced so many setbacks in the last few years, and the transition to college is not an easy one. You have demonstrated endurance through it all and have redefined to me what strong women look like. Not only do you take on your own battles, but you are also each other’s strength when one of your friends needs it. Never lose that fire and care for each other- it's a really special thing. 

That brings me to the second thing you’ve redefined for me: this sisterhood. The passion and commitment you all have shown to this chapter and each other has brought me so much pride. You show up, invest in, and are open to all the new experiences and friendships that Beta Psi has to offer. My hope for you all in the rest of your time here is that you never lose that drive to get the most out of your experience or your determination to ensure that your Alpha Class never becomes complacent in your membership. 

Most of all, you have instilled in me more love and excitement for the future of this chapter than ever before. There are no people I trust or believe in more. Continue to develop the simple joy that comes from being surrounded by people that understand you and your heart in deeper ways than you’ve probably ever experienced. You all are here for a reason, and I believe that so confidently after spending your Alpha period with you. When you can’t see it or feel it, know that I do and so do the people around you. Lean on them when you need it, and be the one who reminds someone else why they belong here when they’re needing the extra encouragement. 

I love you all more than I could ever put into words. I’ve never been prouder of or more excited for a group of people in my life. Know that I’m here for you now and always, no matter if your membership status is “Alpha,” “Delta,” or even “Pi.” I’ll forever be your “mom” whenever you need one.

Pi love and all of mine, 


November 8, 2021