To the PNM reading this: We have all been in your shoes before. Whether its nerves, excitement, or a mixture of both, we all know first hand the emotions that you could be feeling as recruitment approaches. We cannot wait to meet you this fall, and we want you to know that as stressful as recruitment can be, everything happens for a reason and you are about to find a sisterhood to call home for your next four years at college. Our members want you to have the best experience possible, and below have given their advice for potential new members going through the recruitment process! See you at the blue door ;)


“Keep this experience personal to you! Don’t feel pressured to have the same opinions as everyone else. Listen to your heart!!”

-Camryn Deaton AC ‘20

 “Really take time to be present and enjoy the process. It can be hard, but just know that you will end up where you’re meant to be and that recruitment will be such a fun time to look back on and enjoy!”

-Meaghan Haddix AC ‘21

“Remember to have fun! This is such a special time, right as soon as you get at college to make new friends in your gamma chi group! Enjoy every moment with them getting to know each other and yourself better :) some of them might end up being your sisters and that’s so exciting!”

-Abby Whitaker AC ‘20

“Listen to your gamma chi when she tells you to “trust the process.” No matter how stressful or far from ideal your recruitment process seems, you will end up in the chapter that you belong in (even if you don’t think so right away)!”

-Katie Bianchini AC ‘21

“Don’t be nervous or intimidated in the first rounds of recruitment. Remember that this is the recruiter’s first time meeting you too- plus they’ve been in your shoes before! Give yourself grace <3”

-Lakin Puckett AC ‘20

“Be more authentic than you’ve ever been. Lean deeply into the values bracket and values-based recruitment so you can get a clearer idea of what being authentic looks like for you (and know your values that are on your name tag). Seriously, being genuine and authentic makes you shine like you’ve never shined before, I promise! If you fake your way through recruitment, thinking you know what you want from the start, you could end up in a chapter that isn’t the best fit for you. I implore you to show every chapter who you really are, it will really make such a difference because you are all so beautiful and special <3”

-Serena Hutchens AC ‘19

“Don’t be afraid to lean on your Gamma Chi— they are there to help you and want the best for you!”

-Maya Moskal AC ‘21

“Don’t get caught up worrying about if the houses like you, be more more focused on whether or not you like them, you will know when you have a genuine conversation:)”

-Sophie Jacobson AC ‘19

“Truly be YOU & don’t let anything bring you down!!!”

-Madison Bush AC ‘21

“Before each round, get to know the girls who are standing with you in line because they may become your future sisters! If they seem like the people you want to be friends with — and you see that their values align with yours — then you’re in the right place!”

-Riley Fort AC ‘19

“Have an open mind! Not just towards all of the chapters that you are visiting, but with yourself as well! Coming from someone who never thought a sorority would be a good fit, you may just surprise yourself!”

-Peyton Sutton AC ‘21

“Take good notes!! The houses will blur together when you sit down to fill out your card at the end of the day. Write down names and conversation topics that stood out when you leave each chapter so you can keep them all straight! This will also help if you need to look back in later rounds to make tough decisions!”

-Janie Gleaves AC ‘19

“Trust yourself and your senses. The house that is meant to be will speak to you!”

-Ally Barcaskey AC ‘20

“Do not forget to take pauses when you are talking! Don’t be afraid to collect your thoughts!”

-Morgan Paladino AC ‘21

“Every house you go in is just as nervous and excited as you are trust me!”

-McKaylee Mckenzie AC ‘21

“Remember that this is your experience and YOUR experience alone. So stay true to yourself, have fun, and look for qualities that you admire!

-Lauren Witt AC ‘20

“Be yourself and stay true to you! Don’t form any opinions on chapters based on what your best friend thinks of them. We all have different conversations & experiences!”

-McKenna Miller AC ‘20

“Value the friendships you make during recruitment, because these are going to be friends that you will have all throughout college no matter if you end up running home together on bid day or not!”

-Grace Hager AC ‘20