-Alpha Delta Pi Creed
In Alpha Delta Pi, scholarship means more than earning good grades; it is striving to be a well-balanced individual. Our members are involved in various academic clubs and honors programs that recognize their unique accomplishments. Whether you’re interested in music, business, education, or engineering, there’s a sister here that can help and inspire you to be your best!
Honors Societies:
Alpha Lamba Delta, Alpha Zeta Agriculture Fraternity, Golden Key International Honors Society, Honors Program, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Order of Omega, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma Theta, Sigma Alpha Lambda, Kappa Alpha Pi, Singletary Scholars, Chellgren Student Fellows Program, Society of Women Engineers
Campus Involvement
- Alpha Delta Pi Creed
Alpha Delta Pi sisters hold over 130 leadership positions in over 80 different organizations on campus and in the Lexington community. We are a diverse group of women with a variety of interests, and we enjoy using our passions and talents beyond the walls of our chapter house to influence our campus. Alpha Delta Pi sisters are encouraged to be well-rounded and successful individuals by becoming involved with organizations and leadership. This allows us to interact with our fellow Wildcats and leave our mark on the Big Blue Nation! Here’s a look at our sisters’ involvement across campus:
2023-2024 On Campus Leadership Positions:
Dance Blue Family Relations Chair, Dance Blue Operations Chair, Dance Blue Fundraising Chair, Dance Blue Programming Chair, Red Shoe Crew President, Red Shoe Crew Philanthropy Director, Programming Director - Red Shoe Crew, MedLife President, MedLife Vice President, MedLife Vice President of Marketing, MedLife Vice President of Finance, and Director of Wildcat Wardrobe, Letters of Love VP Sponsorship and Outreach, Letters of Love VP of Community Relations, Letters of Love VP of Merchandise.
Campus Involvement:
AFROTC, Best Buddies, Campus Outreach, Christian Student Fellowship, DanceBlue Committee, Dance Team, Dressage Team, Equestrian Team, Intramural Sports Teams, Paws & Listen, Women’s A Cappella Choir, Snowcats, Women’s Choir, MEDLIFE, Student Government Association, Student Advisory Board, Inter-Greek Programming Assembly, Girls on the Run, Junior Panhellenic, K Book, K Crew, Love Your Melon Crew, Network of Enlightened Women, Panhellenic Planning Committee, PAWS, Red Shoe Crew, Students Today, Alumnae Tomorrow Organization, Student Wellness Ambassador, Tally Cats, Team Wildcat, Trew Friends, UK Service Corps, Wildcat Ambassador, Wildcat Service Dogs, YoungLife, Panhellenic Health & Wellness Committee, Alumni Ambassadors, College of Education Ambassadors, American Marketing Association, Student Philanthropy Board, etc.
Accounting Club, Agricultural Biotechnology Club, AMSTED (Appalachian & Minority Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Majors), Arts Administration Society, Beta Alpha Psi, College of Agriculture Peer Instructors, College Republicans, Economics Society, Education Abroad Advisors, Education & Advocacy, Emerging Leadership Institute, GatCats Business Mentors, Global Scholars, Good Science Club, Interior Design Student Association, Investment Club, Kentucky Kernel, Kinesiology & Health Promotion Club, Leadership Development Program, Living & Learning Communities, Math Club, National Block & Bridle Club, National Student Speech-Hearing Association, Phi Alpha Delta, Pre-Dental Society, Pre-Medical Activities Council, Pre-Pharmacy Club, Pre-Physical Therapy Student Association, Pre-Veterinary Club, Pre-PA Club, Woman in Pre-PA Club, Psychology Scholars, Society of Women Engineers, Sociology Club, Spanish Club, Student Development Council, Student Dietetic & Nutrition Association, Students for Education Reform, Student Government, Tri-Beta Honor Society, UK 101 Instructors, University of Kentucky Dance Ensemble, Letters of Love, TREW Friends, MEDLIFE, Happy Cats, PoliSci Pals, Red Shoe Crew, HR Crew
Awards & Recognitions
-Alpha Delta Pi Creed
Being a member of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Kentucky means surrounding yourself with talented, high achieving women who are going to push you to become a better person and aid you in reaching your goals. It is incredible to be surrounded by sisters who not only celebrate your successes, but also pick you up and help you move forward from failures. Beta Psi is lucky to have so many outstanding women under one roof. Take a look at some of our sisters’ achievements!
Highest New Member GPA
Highest Returning Member GPA
Highest Overall Chapter GPA
Outstanding Educational Program
Outstanding Philanthropy Event
Outstanding Member Development
Excellence in Stewardship Award
Outstanding Community Leadership and Philanthropic Service
Excellence in Membership Education
Outstanding Service Event- Ronald McDonald Meal Program
Outstanding Philanthropy Event- The Main Event
Outstanding Academic Excellence
Outstanding Member Wellness
Most Improved Chapter
Wildcat Cup
Excellence in Chapter House Management
Excellence in Financial Management
Excellence in Organizational Management
Excellence in Recruitment and Retention
Excellence in Scholarship
Excellence in Social Development
Excellence in Social Management
Outstanding Servive
The thing we are most proud of is our sisters. They continue to impress us and set a standard of hard work. Over the years we have had sisters receive recognition from the University of Kentucky as Singletary Scholars, Presidential Scholars, Chellgren Student Fellows, Fulbright Scholars, homecoming queens, and leaders of organizations like the Student Activities Board, Student Government Association and DanceBlue. Sisters have been chosen by outside organizations as NASA scholarship winners, RMHC of the Bluegrass Volunteer of the Year, Miss Kentucky, Miss University of Kentucky and Miss Lexington. Sisters have served Alpha Delta Pi internationally as Leadership Consultants and Executive Office Summer Interns. Panhellenic has awarded our sisters Greek Woman of the Year and Most Valuable Panhellenic Executive Member. Below are awards received by individuals in Beta Psi over the past 5 years.
2019 Miss Kentucky County Fair: Veronica Chisholm
2019 Miss Bowling Green: Kennedy Sabharwal
2018 FSL Hall of Fame Inductee: Jolanthe Zelling
2017 Dorothy Shaw Award: Amber Sexton
2017 FSL Hall of Fame Inductee: Delaurah Minzenberger
2016 Outstanding Executive Officer: Cami Moore
2016 Greek Woman of the Year: Becca Gower
2016 Miss University of Kentucky: Alex Francke
2016 Dorothy Shaw Award: Madison Klump Emerson, Becca Gower
2023 Miss Kentucky: Mallory Hudson
2023 UKDT Dancer of the Year - Sydney Lawson
2023 Panhellenic Member of the Year - Mary Kate Miesner
2022 Ms. UK Neuroscience - Savanna Burke
2021 ADPi International Emerging Leader Award: Mallory Hudson
2021 ADPi International Emerging Leader Award: Mattie Lewis
2021 Dorothy Shaw Award: Caire Dzan
2020 Greek Woman of the Year: Regan Martin
2020 Miss Kentucky: Alex Francke
Maxine Blake Golden Lion Award (2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2005)
Elizabeth Moseley Coles Award
Excellence in Philanthropy
Excellence in GPA
Excellence in Chapter Housing
Excellence in Finance
Excellence in New Member Education
Excellence in Quota
Excellence in Total
Excellence in Scholarship
Panhellenic Excellence