The strength of our sisterhood is one of the things that makes Alpha Delta Pi the chapter that it is. This page serves as a place for our sisters to tell their stories. You’ll hear firsthand from sisters about what their recruitment experience was like, why they chose ADPi, and what they have gained from this chapter. These testaments come from the hearts of our members and provide a glance at the heart of our chapter.

ADPi Academy 2025

Kameron Jackson AC 23’

Leadership has always been something that I am extremely passionate about. I have always felt humbled and empowered in positions that allow me to guide others. Joining Beta Psi in 2023 only deepened my passion for leadership, so I was thrilled when I was appointed to be the Vice President of Member Development for 2025…

A Message from a 2025 student body presidential Candidate

McKenna Dowell AC 22’

Dear Beta Psi, Words cannot fully express my gratitude to all of you. Your unwavering love, support, and belief in me has shaped me into the woman I am today. The strength, confidence, and drive I carry with me are a reflection of the incredible impact this chapter has had on my life…

My Home Away From Home

Rachel Bryant-White AC ‘23

Growing up, I always had friends that I considered best friends but never one that would say the same about me. A few years into high school through gymnastics I found three best friends who became sisters. They got me through high school and everything in between no matter how big or small…

How ADPi Stole My Heart

Cameron Jones AC 24’

I still remember the knots in my stomach as each day got closer to recruitment. The first day of open house my heart was racing, my palms were clammy, and I had run through every possible scenario in my head at least a hundred times. But then I walked into Alpha Delta Pi…

Alpha Delta Pi Shaping My DanceBlue Journey

Sarah Tackett AC 22’

Joining Alpha Delta Pi was one of the best decisions I made in college. From the start, I was welcomed into a community of strong, like-minded women who shared my passion for service and leadership. The recruitment process quickly showed me that ADPi was more than just a sorority—it was a place where…

A Letter To My Future Maid of Honor

Ellie Benge AC ‘23

To Mia. My soulmate, my maid of honor, and my best friend. When I’m out in public without you, people tend to ask me where you are. When I met you I was still trying to find my place at Kentucky, knowing you have been here your whole life…

Best of Friends Since Day one!

Callie Slusher AC ‘23

I was always the girl who was friends with everyone but never had friends of her own. Coming to college I was determined for a change and to hopefully find my true friends. Lucky for me God put my hero in my path one of the first weeks of school at orientation…

A Roommate, Best Friend, and a sister all in one

Colleen O’Meara AC ‘23

In life, we have many different paths we can choose to follow. We don’t know where they may lead us, but I can confidently say, I followed the right path because I found my May along my journey… 

A letter to AC ‘24

Arina Patel AC ‘24

I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the amazing women of AC '24. Though we've only known each other for a few short weeks, it's been incredible to witness the bonds we've formed…

dear future little

Kaleigh Cranfield AC ‘23

Just a year ago, I was in your shoes filled with all the uncertainties that came with going through recruitment. Hoping and longing for the girls that I’ve been praying for my whole life.

Panhellenic Love around the World

Mary Kate Miesner AC ‘22

I’m sitting on the couch in my family home, nestled in the town where I took my first steps and faced my earliest milestones. It’s where my parents beamed proudly as they sent me off to kindergarten, and where I cried over my first heartbreak, convinced it was the deepest pain imaginable. This home has witnessed my greatest triumphs as well- learning to drive, the excitement of earning my license, and the fleeting sense of freedom that came with it…

passing the torch

Grace Hager AC ‘20

…However one of the most special parts of my term was getting to pass along my job to Becca. It is hard for me to believe that in a few short weeks, she will be leading her own recruitment, and bringing a whole new alpha class of ADPi women home, to show them the love and friendship that will without a doubt last a lifetime…

a letter to AC ‘20

Lauren Worley AC ‘22

I am filled with gratitude to be writing this blog with as many mixed emotions as I have; overjoyed and proud to see our seniors succeed, yet devastated to see them go. However, through my role as Director of Alumnae Engagement, I can say with complete confidence that this sisterhood IS forever, and that only makes me more excited to watch them thrive.

Success the ADPi Way

Morgan Paladino AC ‘21

Coming to college, I knew that getting an education was my top priority. Going through recruitment was at the end of a long grocery list of expectations I had for myself…

My ultimate why aDPi

ava Dzan AC ‘23

When I saw the words “Alpha Delta Pi” on my bid card, I knew I was ready to run home. Claire surprised me and it truly was the best day. I felt at home, with my sister (now sisters x2) and my new Beta Psi girls. It was such an amazing feeling knowing I was standing next to my future best friends and women who would make such a huge impact on my life, just like Claire has.

My First Greek Sing

Sophi Park AC’ 23

Greek Sing. I was first introduced to these two words around October of my first semester at a chapter meeting. Someone mentioned this event was their "Super Bowl," and I was perplexed, to say the least…

like mother, like daughter

Sarah and Donna Dutton AC ‘21 and ‘83

My journey through ADPi has not only solidified the special bond between my mom and I but it has also taught me the true meaning of sisterhood and the power of legacy.

Alumnae Sunday Story

Brenna Murphy Pease AC ‘10

I have so many amazing memories from my time as an ADPi….

A letter to my Diamond Family

Morgan Russel AC ‘20

These women have helped me see the true bonds of sisterhood: they show me what it means to live for each other and for Alpha Delta Pi….