- Alpha Delta Pi Creed

Our executive committee is composed of 14 sisters who serve the Beta Psi chapter in various roles. Read on to hear about what each officers obligations are and how they serve the chapter day to day!


Mallory Brown (AC ‘22)

The President serves the chapter by leading chapter innovation projects, representing Alpha Delta Pi on campus, and facilitating a space for all officers & chapter members to accomplish their goals.

Vice President of Operations

Edie Clark (AC ‘23)

VPO is responsible for handling the logistical activities of the chapter to ensure efficient operations. Additionally, she serves as the liaison between chapter advisors and members to establish transparent communication throughout our chapter.

Vice President of Membership Experience

Ava Dzan (AC ‘23)

Vice President of Membership Experience serves as the leader of the Membership Experience Team and as the primary educator for the chapter! She has the privilege of planning events like chapter retreat and initiation.

Vice President of Marketing

Kendall Ashlock (AC ‘23)

Vice President of Marketing serves the chapter by creating the brand of Beta Psi, working hand in hand with social media, merchandise, and public relations.

Vice President Of Finance - Accounts receivable

Allie Fort (AC ‘23)

Vice President of Finance - Accounts Receivable acts as the financial manager for the chapter, with knowledge and understanding of chapter budgets, contract management, chapter financial health reporting and designated chapter-related property management.

Vice President Of Finance - Accounts Payable

Kaleigh Cranfield (AC ‘23)

Vice President of Finance - Accounts Payable handles all things money for inner chapter workings. This includes things like creating the budget, setting dues and working with officers to execute their plans from a financial standpoint.

Director Of New Member Experience

Ellen Cherry (AC ‘23)

Director of New Member Experience facilitates new member education, oversees the Big/Little Diamond Sister process, and acts as our new members’ point of contact for all things ADPi. She teaches each new members about the history of ADPi and help them become integrated into our chapter.

Vice President of Recruitment

Lauren Worley (AC ‘22)

The Vice President of Recruitment prepares the chapter for recruitment, planning educational workshops, and running spirit week to welcome home our new members in the fall.

Director Of Facility Management

Lauren Bossingham (AC ‘24)

The Director of Facility Management coordinates all things that involve our wonderful chapter house. She spends time coordinating with our house mother and chefs to facilitate weekly activities and carry out everyday duties.

Director Of Philanthropy

Erin McLarney (AC ‘23)

Director of Philanthropy works to create opportunities for the chapter to serve our philanthropy- the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). By planning events and coordinating with our current RMHC Chair, Lucy Gipson, our Director of Philanthropy works to instill a genuine love for giving back to our community in Beta Psi chapter members while providing resources for RMHC to ‘Keep Families Close.’

Vice President Of Member Development

Kameron Jackson (AC ‘23)

The Vice President of Member Development upholds the values and creed of Alpha Delta Pi while encouraging and challenging each member to grow into the woman she strives to be.

Vice President Of Event Management

Molly Allen (AC ‘23)

The Director of Event Management is responsible for planning all of our date parties and formals, as well as serving as our chapters risk manager!

Director Of Alumnae Engagement

Olivia Chauncey (AC ‘23)

The Director of Alumnae Engagement serves Beta Psi by guiding our graduating Delta Members through their final year as an active member in Alpha Delta Pi. She gets to work with our alumnae known as Pi Members and our graduating Delta Members to enhance their experience with Alpha Delta Pi in any way she can!

Vice President Of Panhellenic Relations

Kensey Clayton (AC ‘24)

Vice President of Panhellenic Relations is responsible for representing our chapter as the official Panhellenic delegate & liaison. She keeps the chapter informed of all Panhellenic matters and updates the Panhellenic Executive Council on all the amazing things ADPi is up to!

Our executive committee leads not only our chapter as a whole, but also the officers whose positions fall within their team. These officers, in both elected and appointed positions, are:

  • Director of Academic Affairs: Averie Lang (AC ‘23)

  • Academic Affairs Specialist: Bella Skibba (AC ‘24)

  • Chaplain: Mary Wesley-Wiman (AC ‘24)

  • Chair of Special Events: Madalyn Baker (AC ‘24)

  • Chapter Foundation Ambassador: Ella Ferris (AC ‘24)

  • Community Service Specialist: Isabella Miller (AC ‘24)

  • RMHC Chair: Julia Kinsman (AC ‘23)

  • Music Education Specialist: Riley Hull (AC ‘24)

  • Leadership Engagement Specialist: Jordan Reeves (AC ‘24)

  • Panhellenic Relations Specialist: Joy Bidros (AC ‘24)

  • Operations Specialist: Maddie Goeing (AC ‘24)

  • Archivist: Nancy Haddad (AC ‘24)

  • Director of Ritual Education: Wittley Jacobs (AC ‘24)

  • Sisterhood Programming Specialist: Rafa Wenceslau AC ‘23)

  • Director of Public Relations: Rachel Bryant-White (AC ‘23)

  • Digital Marketing Specialist: Molly McElroy (AC ‘23)

  • Merchandise Specialist: Annie Powers (AC ‘23)

  • Recruitment Analyst: Ryleigh Clemmons (AC ‘22)

  • Finance Specialist: Arina Patel (AC ‘24)

  • Direction of Inclusion: Anya Sharma (AC ‘24)

  • Wellness Specialist: Brianna Iwinski (AC ‘23)