Home. A simple word that is thrown into many different contexts. A simple, one syllable word that can change someone’s life. A word that can give someone a place of belonging, a purpose, and a family. 

Coming into college and recruitment, I never imagined I would be able to find a place where I felt welcomed on any day of the week, supported at my lowest moments, and loved during my ugliest cries. I never thought about finding the girls who I would one day call my bridesmaids or who I would call immediately when I got accepted into a major that was going to lead me to my dream career. I did expect to, one day, find a friend who showed loyalty, sincerity, and compassion for others. Hopefully. 


I went through recruitment not wanting to join ADPi. My sister, Brittany, is my best friend, but she was a senior in Alpha Delta Pi when I went through recruitment as a freshman. The last thing I wanted was to be chosen solely in hopes that I would follow in her footsteps. I expressed this throughout all of recruitment (a little bold, I know). For some reason, as persistent as I was to let everyone know I did not want to join ADPi, I never wanted to leave them either. Every time I stepped through the front doors of 476 Rose Street, I felt comfortable, welcomed, and wanted. The time was coming where I needed to see where I actually wanted to end up. During  the Philanthropy round, I had a conversation with Payton Simms. Payton and I had never met, or even heard of each other. I expressed my concerns to Payton, and her reply was, “I had no idea you were kin to Brittany. I can assure you, you are welcomed back to ADPi because we want you here. We want to talk to you and know who you are, no matter who you are related to or what your background is. So, tell me, who is Brianna?”

After that conversation, one of my sister's besties came up to talk to me, Kirsten Richards (AKA DanceBlue and ADPi icon!). She started laughing and told me how Payton was so nervous to talk to me because she knew I was Brittany’s sister. At that moment, I knew ADPi was going to be something special for me. Payton had done the absolute most to make me feel wanted, reassured, and hoped for. 

For a few months my Why ADPi was Payton Simms telling me everything I needed to hear. She’d helped me follow my heart to get to the right place. As almost two years have passed for me, I can now say my Why ADPi is something so much more. 

My Why ADPi is Brittany (said biological sister) surprising me during preference round and making me cry for the first time throughout all of recruitment.

My Why ADPi is meeting Allison Broadhurst and immediately becoming best friends. I still have deja vu every time I pass Jewel Hall thinking she’s going to run from Holmes just to jump in my arms for a gorilla hug. Man, we’re getting old. 

My Why ADPi is becoming besties with Macy Mixon just because we were the only two in our Gamma Chi group that were from the south. Now we are sisters and I’ll forever love my Bama girl. 

My Why ADPi is bonding with Tori Santiago the first time we met because we have the same dream job.

My Why ADPi is the house of 420 Woodland Ave making me an honorary member and inviting me to any night they have planned just for the roommates. 


My Why ADPi is wearing scooby snacks all taped all over my shirt for bid day because my random big wanted to tell me, “My little is such a snack”. Now we are best friends, and I couldn’t live a day without her. 

My Why ADPi is getting a little that I didn’t know existed but is actually a Lexington Queen and makes me feel honored to be in her presence. 

My Why ADPi is meeting Eden Slone and Alyssa Shanklin in line for chapter meeting and bonding over our country accents. Now they’re two of my closest friends and always give me a little slice of home with their southern charm. 

My Why ADPi is having the honor to be Sisterhood Program Specialist and see all of our girls come to events and light up the room with their smiles, passion, and love for one another. 

I know I left so many things out, but I don’t want to write forever, so I’ll close by saying this. My official Why ADPi is because I found a home that already felt like home, and in that I found everything I was looking for. 

Boom Boom and Pi Love,

Brianna Shirley