Every one of our members has one thing in common - they’ve all been through sorority recruitment to become a part of this chapter. However, each sister had her own, completely unique PNM experience. The sum of all of these experiences has led to many lessons learned and lots of advice to give. With recruitment season quickly approaching, we decided to compile some advice for PNMs from our sisters. We hope that hearing from our members helps to sooth any nerves and gets you excited for the once in a lifetime experience that is sorority recruitment. To hear more recruitment advice from a chapter member, visit this link.

“Don’t feel like you have to be the perfect version of yourself during recruitment. Showing your imperfections and quirky traits let chapters see the real you.”

- Lexi Rezelj, AC ‘20

“Don’t stress about the little things like earrings or making sure you have the perfect outfit. We care SO much more about who you are as a person and what you have to say!”

- Rachel Whitehouse, AC ‘19

“Join the sorority where you feel the most welcome and feel like you would thrive instead of joining a sorority for the letters or where your friends are joining.”

- Kate Maddox, AC ‘19

“Be yourself, and you’ll end up where you’re meant to be!

- Brianna Shirley, AC ‘19

“Be confident in who you are! We want to love you for YOU!”

- Tate Rigby, AC ‘18

“Trust the process. It will all work out in the end!”

- Kamryn Bogott, AC ‘19


“Home is truly where the heart is. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, follow your gut and find the place that sets your soul on fire and makes you feel like home isn’t so far away And don’t stress! When you know you know, and what’s meant to be will be!”

-May McInnis, AC ‘20

“The journey to finding your home is unique to you! Try and not compare it to your roommate, best friend, etc!”

- Faith Elder, AC ‘19

“Remember how you feel during each round and ask yourself which house you did not want to leave!”

- Grace Evans, AC ‘19


“Try not to come into the process with any preconceived notions about any of the sororities! Begin the process with an open mind because you know where you might fall in love.”

- Allison Broadhurst, AC ‘19

“Don’t be afraid to laugh (or cry!) in your conversations. Both are okay & can help you connect more to where you belong!”

- Eden Slone, AC ‘19

“Look for qualities of your favorite people/friendships in the girls you talk to and the way they talk about their sisterhood at each house!!”

- Reagan Watkins, AC ‘19


“Try not to compare yourself to other PNMs going through the process. This is YOUR journey to find YOUR forever home! Keep your experiences in each house close to you. You will end up exactly where you belong.”

- Macke Ewing, AC ‘19

“Take notes after each round/house because a lot of things blur together! Write down first impressions, names of girls you loved talking to, what you talked about, and what stood out to you about that house!”

- Molly Armstrong, AC ‘19


“In the moment it is easy to forget if you have any questions, but you don’t want to walk out of a house and not have answers! Think of some questions before you step in the front doors.”

- Rachel Whitehouse, AC ‘19

“In addition to looking for a house with girls you are striving to be like, also keep in mind to look for girls you already comfortable with! We want you just the way you are!”

- Madylin Farago, AC ‘20

“Look for the girls that inspire you or that you would want to become like— not physical characteristics, but look at the character of the hearts of each chapter. Go where you feel called and where you know you will bloom. You’re made to thrive!!!”

- Grace Davis, AC ‘19


“Trust trust trust your intuition! It’s there for a reason. I know the recruitment process can be a little overwhelming at first, but trusting your gut will only lead you to your forever home that much quicker. Most importantly, open up your heart, be vulnerable, and be your authentic self!”

- Lauren Witt, AC ‘20

“Know what you are passionate about, and be ready to talk about it!”

- Rachel Whitehouse, AC ‘19

“Do not be afraid to take the water cups! ;))”

- Eden Slone, AC ‘19


“Take time for you at the end of a long day of recruitment. Have a little self-care time to be refreshed for the next day.”

- Kate Maddox, AC ‘19

“Don’t let one bad thing influence the entire process. This is a great time to get to know yourself and other amazing women. Trust the process :))”

- Isabel Wolter, AC ‘20

“Always, always, always, let your true, authentic self shine!! Be proud of who you are, and really express the things you’re most passionate about and what live your life for. What makes you you is so special, and we are blessed to get to know your heart!”

- Annie Walton, AC ‘19